Miljani Ristić Stanković, mladoj mami četvoromesecnog Vukašina, dijagnostikovana je akutna mijeloblastna leukemija (AML) samo par meseci posle porodjaja.
Prva faza lečenja koja uključuje agresivnu hemoterapiju je započeta u Srbiji. Zbog specificnosti vrste leukemije i njenog veoma brzog i agresivnog napada na organizam, nastavak lečenja kao i operacija presadjivanja kostane srži mora se izvršiti u inostranstvu.Spasavanje života ove mlade majke u ovom trenutku u potpunosti zavisi od naših donacija. Iznos od 50.000 evra biće dovoljan da se pokriju početni medicinski troškovi lečenja i transport, međutim, sa cenom operacije presadjivanja koštane srži u inostranstvu iznos moze dostići sumu od 150.000 evra.Pored borbe za život, Miljana se bori i sa vremenom koje je od krucijalne važnosti. Mole se svi ljudi, koji su u mogućnosti, da pomognu ovoj mladoj ženi u njenoj borbi kako bi se što pre vratila svojoj bebi i porodici.Mozete donirati novac uplatom na sledeće racune:

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Uputstvo na sledecem linku:, the free spirited and fun loving young mother of Vukasin, her four-month baby boy, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) just a few months after the delivering her son. The first phase of treatment begins with very aggressive chemotherapy which has already started in Serbia. Due to the specific type of leukemia and its very fast and aggressive attack on the body, a continuation of treatment and a Bone Marrow Transplant must be performed outside of Serbia.Saving the life of this young mother now completely depends on our donations. The amount of 50 000 € will be enough to cover initial medical treatment costs and transportation since the cost of a Bone Marrow Transplant abroad can go upwards of 150 000 €.

Besides fighting for her life, Miljana`s time is of the essence. We ask everyone to join us in helping this young mother in her battle with AML so that she can go home to her newborn and her family.

You can help and donate by following the instructions on the link:

or via donations on